ISU Students Win Awards at Taiwan Innotech Expo

Ta-An Li, an ISU student, improved the function of wheelchairs through a class project. He not only won a gold medal at ISU with this project but also collaborated with other departments to create an innovative wheelchair that can help users stand up in a safer and easier way. With his innovation in wheelchairs, he […]

ISU International Students Win a Bronze Medal in Dragon Boat Racing

49 international students studying at ISU competed in the Dragon Boat Racing held by the Kaohsiung City Government as two groups, and one of them won a bronze medal. They indicated that they spent three days on practice, and they would not have won the medal without every teammate’s contribution. ISU international students experienced their […]

ISU Students Win Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films

The excellent performance of students of the Department of Film and Television has been widely recognized by professional experts. Last year, a short film named “Homeless” was awarded a bronze medal by the Vision Get Wild Award, and this year it was awarded the Excellence Award and the Best Cinematography Award by the Golden Harvest […]

ISU Students Win Five Gold Medals at World Master Chef Competition

Ping-Han Hsieh, a faculty member of the College of Indigenous Studies, is an experienced cook thanks to the training he received when helping run the family restaurant. With his culinary knowledge and skills, ISU students won five gold medals at the World Master Chef Competition last year in Malaysia. Ping-Han Hsieh (second from left) led […]

Industry-University Collaboration: A Win-Win for ISU

ISU has a close collaborative relationship with some 500 corporations in different industries, and the outstanding performance delivered by the students and faculty members of the Department of Electronic Engineering has impressed many businesses. Holtek Semiconductor Inc. donated some 50 32-bit and 8-bit single chip development kits to the Department, in the hopes that more […]

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